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PATRON SAINT: Saint Benedict was a simple Italian Monk of the sixth century. He wrote his famous ‘Rule of Benedict’ that became the blueprint on which thousands of Monasteries were formed, first in Italy then all over the world.

The Benedictines were known as the ‘Educators of Europe’. Saint Benedict is the Patron Saint of Students.

At the heart of Benedictine Spirituality is a way of living in the world today by focusing on how to work, learn, pray and live in community. It is not a spirituality that requires a departure from everyday life but rather a way that embraces and becomes fully engaged within our daily existence.

FEAST DAY: July 11th

Our School Motto

St Benedict's motto was Ora et Labora (prayer and work). Laborare Est Orare (To work is to pray).

Our School Motto, Pray Together, Work Together was developed from this Benedictine motto, and we live it every day.

Our School Emblem: 

A shield shape with the school colours and motto wrapped around a sword with a cross shaped handle.

The story of the sword. There once was a sword that hung within the chapel at Monte Cassino when St. Benedict lived and governed. It is said that the holy St. Benedict would display the sword as a symbol of the war in which monks fight every day.

“This sword,” St. Benedict would say. “Represents the Truth of God which is sharper than any two-edged sword. Look on it every day when you enter the chapel for liturgy and remember the battle (for truth) in which you fight.”  The sword went missing about 40 years after St Benedict’s death but remains a reminder to those who follow the traditions and teachings of St Benedict.